TheĀ Studio Blog
From practice techniques to compositional insightsā€¦
You can teach yourself piano and it may be the best way to start.
What you need is a plan and self discipline.
The Plan - AFK (Away From the Keyboard)
The plan involves some general principles,...
The ideal piano is not just a grand piano, but a "concert" grand piano. Every piano manufacturer designs their concert grands to have the finest feel and tone quality—to be "top of the line."...
Whether you are learning piano, guitar, a woodwind or a brass instrument—or any other instrument for that matter—your weekly lesson is just the start of your practicing. If your lesson...
Often when one is asked "what is the key signature?" they will respond with the particular sharps or flats that are present in the signature.
Yes, but…
While they may be correct in...
In early 2019, as if it were a top-secret military operation Jack Douglas passed along to me John Lennon’s demo of “Grow Old With Me.”
He said that Ringo was recording it for...
And Staten Island, Too
(This article originally appeared in the New York Times, October 26, 2007.)
